Thursday 26 January 2012

Home is wherever I'm with you

J and I were hit by a wall of noise, traffic and fashion minded people as soon as we stepped outside Gothenburg's train station, having left the Northern wilderness behind. It was like stepping out on another planet. Immediately I felt a pang in my heart, one of longing for the quietness and simpleness of life in the North. For having family close by. It's an ache that's hard to explain, and even harder to subdue.

Life does not stand by and wait until you've recovered from the culture shock, however. I was back at work this morning, no matter how hard I wished that my dream last night (one where I was running on country roads past spring-green meadows with friends) would last forever. Still tired after the long train journey, I didn't decide until the last minute if I'd run today. And when I got off work, I couldn't wait to get out in the rare sunshine that graced the city and run. Run with a million thoughts buzzing in my head. Important things that have been lying dormant for years, waiting for the final drop to force them to run over and flood the universe, my universe. Yet, no answers come to me. My heart and my head are not seeing eye to eye right now, and it's hard to know which one to listen to.

The ache. Not even running can subdue it.

1 comment:

  1. Åh det är så sant!
    Jag är helt splittrad i var jag vill bo. Ibland i ett hus på landet, så jag kan springa, fota, bara ha det bra. Så vill jag ibland ha nära till allt - som jag ändå aldrig utnyttjar.
    Skyller på att jag vill kunna ta en afterwork (gör jag ALDRIG) eller en kaffe efter jobbet. Det händer heller aldrig.. Eller shoppa! Jag handlar ju bara träningskläder i alla fall. På nätet haha.

    Idag sprang jag på löpband. Hoppas det aldrig händer igen. Blev påmind om hur makalöst trist det var. FY!!! DET är pannben som du sa. 7 km pina! Inte kul någonstans...

    Och oj, vilken lång kommentar - men tack fina du!
